Hosted Exchange
What is Hosted Exchange?
The most popular business email system in the world Microsoft Exchange Server is the most widely-used business-grade email system in North America. It is the preferred email platform for more than 170 million people around the world. Businesses use Exchange for email, calendaring, task management, address lists, accessing shared document repositories, mobility and much more.
Why Move to The Cloud?
Safer and more reliable than on-premises
- Lower and more predictable IT costs
- Rapid deployment and scaling. No hardware to buy and set up.
- Painless migration and onboarding process
- 99.999% uptime guarantee
Phones and mobile devices? Check. CSP Hosted Exchange service synchronizes all of your smartphones, tablet computers and other devices seamlessly. Improved Outlook Web Access (OWA) adds an additional way to access your email from any computer or device connected to the internet.